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An Introduction to Kamaluddin Wa Tamamun Nemah

Jun 12, 2024 | Imam Mehdi (a.s)

This book is among the earliest ones written on the subject of occultation of Imam Mahdi (as). The full name of this book is Kamaluddin wa Tamamun Nemah. It is authored by Raeesul Muhadetheen Abu Jafar Mohammed ibn Ali Babway Qummi (ra) who is widely known as Shaykh Sudooq.

Shaykh Sudooq (ar) was born in 302 AH in the city of Qum into a family famous for its religious knowledge. At that time the city of Qom was centre of lovers of Ahle-Bait (as). (Read More about his Life)

The birth of Shaykh Sudooq was the result of the prayers of Imam Mahdi (as). Shaykh Sudooq studied for twenty years under the guidance of his eminent father Ali ibn Ibrahim Babaway (ar). He was from among the companions of Imam Hasan Askari (as) and later had shifted to the city of Rayy. Sheikh traveled to Iraq, Iran and Turkey to collect the traditions of Holy Prophet (sawa) and the Holy Imams (as). While traveling to various places he imparted religious knowledge to many people whom he met on his journey.

People from different corners of Islamic world gained from the efforts of Shaykh. People sought answers to problems of jurisprudence (fiqh) from him. Shaykh-e-Tusi (ar) writes about him: He was of the foremost level and commanded a very good memory. He was an Alam of Fiqh and had learned and memorized many traditions. He was unmatched. There could be seen none equal to him in intelligence and knowledge for the Quran. (al-Fehrist, pages 184-185, Shaykh-e-Tusi)

Shaykh has compiled and sorted the traditions of the Ahle Bayt (as). This was not an easy task and according to research scholars – an extraordinary feat, of which only 18 books and treatises are available with us today, each of which is unique. To gather traditions of infallible Imams (as) and sort it according to topics and to do Tajziyah and Tahlul is that magnificent achievement which resulted in the title of Raeesul Muhadtheeen (chief of traditionists). This torchbearer of knowledge passed away in 380 AH in the city of Rayy. Even today his honored tomb is a revered monument in Tehran.

The following are some of the precious books of Shaykh which have reached us:

  • Resaale Iteqadaat
  • Kamaluddin wa Tamamun Nemah
  • Kitab-e-Amali
  • Kitab-e-Tauheed
  • Man La Yahzarul Faqih
  • Kitab-e-Sawaabul Aamaal wa Iqaabul Aamaal
  • Uyoone Akhbare Reza

However, Kamaluddin is one of his most important works. It contains numerous traditions regarding the existence of Imam Mahdi (as), his long life, occultation and other aspects of Imams (as) life.

Download: Kamaluddin V1 | Kamaluddin V2

In the preface of the book, Shaykh writes, when I woke up, I saw myself in Mecca circumambulating (doing tawaaf) the Holy Kaaba. I reached and was kissing the Hajar-e-Aswad and was saying I have returned its identity and completed it so that you can testify its completion. Then I saw my master Imam Mahdi (as). He (as) looked at me. He was aware of the things in my heart. I saluted him (as) and in reply he said Why dont you write a book on Ghaybat so that all your desires are fulfilled. I said O Son of Holy Prophet (sawa), I have already written some matter on the topic of occultation. He (as) replied That is not in the way I have ordered you to do. Now, you write a book on occultation which contains the discussion of occultation of prophets. Saying this Imam (as) disappeared. And so on the order of Imam Mahdi (as), Shaykh wrote the book Kamaluddin.

If we glance at the period when the book was written, we will appreciate the work of Shaykh and the importance of the book. The Shia community of that period was besieged with doubts and uncertainties regarding the existence and the occultation of Imam (as). Moreover, the Zaidiyyah and Ismailiyyah sects were raising doubts and objections regarding the holy existence of Imam-e-Asr (as). In this literary work of Shaykh, he has discussed the proofs for the necessity of Imam (as) and has given fitting answers to the objections of enemies of Imam (as). The following are some of the topics that he has discussed in the book:

  • Khilafat before the creation
  • Necessity of obeying the successors of Holy Prophet (sawa)
  • Appointing the successor is the prerogative of Allah, the Almighty
  • Proof of Allah is required in every period
  • Necessity of proof of Allah
  • Infallibility is necessary for Imam
  • What were the things due to which Allah ordered the angels to prostrate before Hazrat Adam (as)
  • Necessity of Marefat (recognition) of Imam
  • Proofs regarding the occultation and the reasoning behind it.
  • Similarities between Imams (as) and the Prophets (as).
  • Traditions about the demise of Mohammed ibne Hanafiyyah
  • Negation of Nawasiyyah and Waqefiyyah ideas of occultation.
  • Traditions about the demise of Hazrat Musa ibne Jafar (as)
  • Traditions about the demise of Hazrat Hasan Askari (as)

After discussing the above, Shaykh has dealt with the doubts and objections raised against Imam (as) and replied to all the objections. Further, he has discussed about the reappearance of Imam (as) and the filling of the earth with peace and justice. Also, Shaykh has proved that the Imam has to be from the progeny of Holy Prophet (sawa).

The discussion in the first six chapters deals with the occultation of Hazrat Idris (as), Hazrat Nuh (as), Hazrat Ibrahim (as), Hazrat Yusuf (as) and Hazrat Musa (as). Then there is a discussion of occultation of the successor of Hazrat Musa (as).

The discussion of Necessity of the Existence of Imam is in the twenty-first chapter of the book. The next chapter deals with the discussion of Presence of Proof of Allah from the time of Hazrat Adam (as) till the Day of Qiyamat.

In chapter 23, Shaykh has brought the discussion of nomination of Imam Mahdi (as) from Hadith-e-Qudsi. The following chapter brings the similar discussion from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a). Chapters 25 to 37 deal with the discussion of occultation from 13 Masoomeen (as). Chapter 39 deals with the topic of the fate of the person who denies Imam Mahdi (as) – such were the persons in the history of the past as well who had denied previous Masoomen (as) and had died the death of disbelief and ignorance so the same will happen now and in the future.

Traditions regarding the mother of Imam (as), his birth, the people who got the opportunity to see him and about his companions and soldiers can be found in Chapters 41 to 43.

Chapter 44 discusses about the reasons behind the occultation of Imam (as). The Tawqee (letters) of Imam (as) have been reproduced in the book. Further Shaykh has brought a discussion about the long life of Imam (as) and the traditions, which talk about people who in the past lived long life. This discussion is very helpful in proving the long life of Imam (as).

Shaykh has brought the discussion of Intezar (awaiting) for of Imam Mahdi (as) and its merits and rewards in chapter 25. The following chapter deals with the prohibition on taking the name of Imam (as).

The second-last chapter of the book deals with traditions which discuss the signs of reappearance of Imam (as). Chapter 58 discusses miscellaneous topics about Imam (as). In this topic, Shaykh has also brought the discussion of Fatrah both in literal sense and from Holy Quran and traditions.

Shaykh has concluded the book by bringing the tradition from Imam Reza (as) about Imamate and the position of Imam (as).

A study of the book reveals the zeal and fervor with which the author defends the Imamate and Wilayat and has helped Shias to strengthen their faith and to come near Imam Mahdi (as). At the same time this book exhorts every lover of Imam (as) to defend his Imamate with all his resources and capacity in increasing peoples awareness and proximity towards Imam Mahdi (as).

Read More on Books on Imam Mahdi (as)

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