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Holy Quran, Chapter 54 Verse 2

Jun 12, 2024 | Imam Mehdi (a.s)

وَإِن يَرَوْا آيَةً يُعْرِضُوا وَيَقُولُوا سِحْرٌ مُّسْتَمِرٌّ

“If they see a sign they turn away, and say, ‘(This is the same) magic continuing”

Imara Al-Hamdani said to Imam Sadiq (as), “May Allah amend your affairs! People taunt us and say we believe that there will be an announcement from the heavens.”

Imam (as) replied, Do not narrate this from me, but narrate it from my father.

My father used to say, “This is mentioned in the Book of Allah. Allah says, “If we will, We can send down on them from the heavens a sign to which they would bend their necks in humility” (Chapter 26 verse 4).”

Then Imam (as) continued, Everyone on earth will believe in the first announcement.

However, on the next day, Iblis will go to the sky of the earth and cry out, “Verily Othman was killed unjustly, so avenge his blood.”

Those for whom Allah has willed wickedness (because they have chosen a wicked path for themselves) will deny their belief in the first announcement and will say, “This (the first announcement) was from the magic of the Shia.”

Then they will insult us (the Ahlul Bayt (as)) and say, “This is from their (continuous) magic.” This is the meaning of the verse, “If they see a sign they turn away, and say: ‘(This is the same) magic continuing” (Al Ghaybah by Nomani page 138)

Abdullah Ibne Sinan said, I was with Imam Sadiq (as) and I heard a man from Hamdaan say to the Imam (as), “The general population taunts us by saying, ‘You people believe that a caller will call out from the heavens, announcing the name of the Owner of this Matter (the Twelfth Imam (as))

Imam (as) was sitting down while leaning (on something). However, when he heard this, he became angry and sat up straight.

He (as) said, Do not narrate this Hadith from me, but narrate it from my father and do not be embarrassed to narrate this Hadith.

I testify that I heard my father say, I swear to Allah that (the call from the heavens) is clearly mentioned in the Book of Allah when He says, “If we will, We can send down on them from the heavens a sign to which they would bend their necks in humility” (Chapter 26 verse 4).

There will not remain anyone on the land who will not bend his neck “in humility” after hearing this call. Everyone will believe in it when they hear the call from the heavens which will announce, “Verily Haqq is with Ali bin Abi Talib and his Shia.”

Then on the next day, Iblis will go to the sky of the earth and cry aloud, “Verily Haqq is with Uthman bin Affan and his Shia. Verily he was killed unjustly, so avenge his blood.”

But “Allah will keep steady those who believed in the confirmed word” (Chapter 14 verse 27) which refers to the first call.

However, doubt will enter “those in whose hearts is a disease” (Chapter 2 verse 10). And I swear to Allah that “disease” of the heart is animosity toward us, the Ahlul Bayt.

Therefore, they will disown us, insult us, and will say, “The call of the first caller was from the ‘magic’ of this family.”

Then Imam Sadiq (as) recited the following verse, “If they see a sign they turn away, and say: ‘(This is the same) magic continuing”  (Al Ghaybah by Nomani page 137)

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