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Similarities with Prophets – Imam Mahdi (as) and Hazrat Hizqeel (as)

Jun 12, 2024 | Imam Mehdi (a.s)

Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) bears the special characteristics and more from the previous prophets. He is the embodiment of their virtues and qualities. He carries their signs and is the inheritor of all that they stood for and what was revealed upon them. The following article mentions the similarity between Hazrat Hizqeel (as) and Imam Mahdi (as).

Hizqeel is pronounced to rhyme with Zibrij.

Revival of the dead – both good and evil

The Almighty Allah revived the dead for Hizqeel (as) as mentioned in Rauzat Al-Kafi quoting Imam Baqir (as) regarding the verse, “Have you not considered those who went forth from their homes, for fear of death, and they were thousands, then Allah said to them, Die; again He gave them life…” (Surah Baqarah verse 243)

They were 7,000 families in a Syrian town. A number of times plague struck their hometown. Thus whenever they felt that the plague has arrived, the affluent people of the town used to leave the place, however the poor – who had no means to travel – used to remain there. Therefore there were a large number of deaths among those who stayed back while there were very few deaths among those who left the town.

Thus those who had left the town would say: If we had remained in the town, death would have taken many of us. And those who stayed back said: If we had left the town, death would have harmed the least of us. Thus all of them were under the impression that whenever there is incidence of plague all should leave the town. And when they came to know that the plague had arrived all of them left the town and went away far away from there in terror of death and roamed about in different towns till Allah wanted.

A town fell on their way which had fallen into ruins, and the plague had killed all the people. When they reached this town and settled down, Allah, the Mighty and Sublime said to them: Die, all of you. They all died at the same time and became dust, such that it was clear to the onlookers that they had died during a journey. Therefore the passers-by and the travelers halted there. So they brought their dust together.

Then Hizqeel, (In the text of tradition, three times Hizqeel is mentioned) a Prophet of Bani Israel passed through there. When he saw those bones he wept and said: If You will, just as You killed them together, you can bring them back to life together also. So that they may construct Your cities and towns and that they may give birth to children who worship You with Your other creatures. Almighty Allah revealed to him: Do you like this? ‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘Please make them alive.’

Then Allah, the Mighty and Sublime revealed: You say these words. And when he said what Allah had commanded him to say – Imam Sadiq (as) said: It was Isme Aazam (Great Name) – and Hizqeel uttered those words, he saw the bones flying to each other and they became alive once more. They looked at each other said: Glory be to Allah, Allah is the greatest. There is no god except Allah. At that moment Hizqeel said: I testify that the Almighty Allah is powerful over everything.” (Rauzat Al-Kafi volume 8 page 198)

Qaim (as) is also such that the Almighty Allah would enliven for him the believers, the hypocrites and the infidels. Traditional reports that prove this matter are too numerous, rather they are Mutawatir (successive).

Among them is one mentioned in Rauzat Al-Kafi from Abu Baseer that he said: “I asked Imam Sadiq (as) regarding the statement of Allah Almighty: “And they swear by Allah with the most energetic of their oaths: Allah will not raise up him who dies. Yea! it is a promise binding on Him, quite true, but most people do not know…” (Surah Nahl verse 38)

He (as) said: O Abu Baseer what do they say about it? I replied: The polytheists think and they swore to the Messenger of Allah (sawa) that the Almighty Allah does not bring the dead back to life. He Imam (as) said: Death be on one who says like that. Ask them whether the polytheists swore by Allah or by Laat and Uzza?

Abu Baseer says: I said: May I be sacrificed on you, then tell me about it. He said: O Abu Baseer when our Qaem arises, the Almighty Allah would raise up a group from our Shiahs for him and He would make them alive in such a way that the handles of their swords would be on their shoulders (ready to strike). When this news reaches a community from our Shiahs who have not died, they will say to one another: Such and such and so and so have risen from their graves and they are with Qaem (as). This statement would reach a group of our enemies. They will say: O group of Shiahs, how untrue you are! This is your rule and kingdom, and you are lying? No, by Allah, about whom you say have not become alive and they will not do so till the Judgment Day, thus the Almighty Allah narrates their statement: “And they swear by Allah with the most energetic of their oaths: Allah will not raise up him who dies.” (Rauzat Al-Kafi volume 8 page 50)

In the same book it is narrated from Hasan bin Shazan from a person who said:  I wrote a letter of complaint to Imam Reza (as) as in that city there was a group of Ottomans who troubled me very much. The reply of the Imam (as) to that letter was as follows: Allah, the Mighty and the High has taken covenant from our friends to observe patience in the rule of tyrants. So be patient by the order of your Lord. As when the lord of the creatures rises up they would say: O woe to us! Who has raised us up from our sleeping-place? This is what the Beneficent God promised and the apostles told the truth.” (Rauzat Al-Kafi volume 8 page 247; Surah Yasin verse 51)

In Beharul Anwar it is narrated from Abdul Kareem Khatami that he said: I asked Imam Sadiq (as): “How long would Qaem (as) rule?” He said: He replied: “Seven years, the days and the nights would be prolonged so much that a year would be as long as ten years of yours. Thus his rule would be equal to seventy years according to your standard. And when the time comes for his end in the month of Jamadi ul-Aakhar, ten days before Rajab, there would be such heavy rainfall as the people had not seen before. Then the Almighty Allah by that would expose the flesh and bodies of the believers in their graves. And as if I could see them coming from Jehna, shaking off dust from their hair.” (Beharul Anwar volume 52, page 337)

In the same book there is a lengthy tradition quoted from Khasais from Ameerul Momineen (as) in which he said: “…O surprise! And how should I not be astonished about the people whom Allah would enliven, group by group, reciting: ‘Here I am’ and harkening to the call of the Divine caller they would reach the lanes of Kufa…” (Beharul Anwar volume 53, page 47)

And it is narrated from Ameerul Momeneen (as) that he said regarding the verse, “Often will those who disbelieve wish that they had been Muslims.” (Surah Hijr verse 2). When my Shias and I emerge from our graves and Uthman bin Affan and his followers emerge, and Quraish and we eliminate the Bani Umayyah at that time those who disbelieve would wish that they were Muslims.” (Beharul Anwar volume 53, page 64)

In Tafseer Ali bin Ibrahim it is mentioned regarding the verse: “So grant the unbelievers a respite: let them alone for a while.” (Surah Tariq verse 17) That: We have given respite till the rise of the Qaim. Then he would take revenge on my behalf from the tyrants, the rebels of Quraish and Bani Umayyah and other people. (Tafseer al-Qummi, page 721, New Edition, volume 2, page 416)

 (The above article was taken and adapted from the book Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaedid Dua Lil Qaem)

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