Four Special Representatives stories

False Claimants of Deputyship of Imam Mahdi (as)

The history of Islam records the events of some men who claimed to be a special deputy of Imam Mahdi (as). A study of these events is important from two aspects. Firstly, it is a lesson for the masses to understand that after the fourth special deputy of Imam Mahdi (as), the door for any person to claim a direct channel to Imam Mahdi (as) has been closed forever. No person can claim to enjoy...

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Ghaybat Sughra – The Four Special Deputies

After the martyrdom of Imam Hasan Askari (as) the mantle of Imamate fell on the young shoulders of Imam Mahdi (as). Due to the severe restrictions imposed by the reigning Caliph, Imam Mahdi (as) was forced to conceal himself from the eyes of the people. In the initial stages of Ghaybate’ Sughra (minor occultation), some very special and selected people among the Shiahs had the permission to meet...

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First Special Deputy – Janab Usman bin Saeed al-Amri (ra)

Janab Usman bin Saeed (ra) was the first special deputy of Imam Mahdi (as) in Ghaybate’ Sughra. The renowned Shiite scholar, Shaykh Tusi (ra) records in his illustrious book, ‘al-Ghaybah’ ‘Among the companions that the infallible Imams (as) considered as virtuous and pious, was Janab Usman bin Saeed al-Amri (ra). Imam Ali Naqi (as) and Imam Hasan Askari (as) have spoken highly of him and he was...

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Second Special Deputy Mohammed Ibne Usman Ibne Saeed al-Amri (ra)

The first deputy, Janab Usman Ibne Saeed Al-Amri was succeeded by his son Mohammed Ibne Usman Saeed Al-Amri. Imam Hasan Askari (as) declared, “Abu Amri (Usman Ibne Saeed (ra)) and his son (Mohammed Ibne Usman (ra)) are both reliable and trustworthy (in narration). Whatever they both convey to you they convey from us.” (Tarikhe Ghaybate’ Sughra by Syed Mohammed al-Sadr page 403)Imam Mahdi (as)...

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Third Special Deputy – Husain Ibne Rauh Nawbakhti (ra)

His name was Husain, his agnomen (Kuniyat) was Abul Qasim. His father’s name was Rauh and his grandfather’s name was Abu Jafar. He belonged to the Nawbakht family. He was known by his name – Husain Ibne Rauh-e-Nawbakhti (ra). His exact date of birth has not been recorded in books of history. His Genealogy Historians have recorded that after Abu Sohail Ismail Ibne Ali, Husain Ibne Rauh Ibne Abi...

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