Hazrat Yusuf stories

Similarities with Prophets – Imam Mahdi (as) and Hazrat Yusuf (as)

Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) bears the special characteristics and more from the previous prophets. He is the embodiment of their virtues and qualities. He carries their signs and is the inheritor of all that they stood for and what was revealed upon them. The following article mentions the similarity between Hazrat Yusuf (as) and Imam Mahdi (as). Hazrat Yusuf (as) was the most handsome person of his...

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Ghaybat of Prophet Yusuf (as)

In the book Kamaluddin, Shaykh Sudooq (ar) writes, the period of the occultation of Prophet Yusuf (as) was that of twenty years. During this time he never applied oil to his hair, did not use Kohl and perfume and didn’t touch a woman till the time the Almighty Allah once more gathered the scattered family of Yaqoob and brought together Yusuf, his brothers, his father and maternal aunt. Of these...

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