Regarding the events around the birth of Imam Mahdi (as), it is important to establish the presence of his mother, Hazrat Narjis Khatoon (sa) and the circumstances about her existence. This narration is from Bushr bin Suleiman, a slave trader from the descendants of Abu Ayyub Ansari and a sincere Shiah of Imam Ali Naqi (as) and Imam Hasan Askari (as) and their neighbour at Samarrah. Abu Ayyub...
Janabe Narjis stories
Janabe Hakima Testifies to the Birth of Imam Mahdi (as)
Tomb of Janabe Hakima at Samarrah, Iraq This report is mentioned in Beharul Anwar volume 51, chapter 1, tradition 14. Janabe Hakima Khatoon (sa) is the daughter of Imam Taqi (as), the sister of Imam Naqi (as). She is buried in Samarrah next to the graves of the 10th and 11th Imam and Janabe Narjis Khatoon (sa). Apart from establishing the circumstances for the birth of Imam Mahdi (as), this...
Another Report from Janabe Hakima Khatoon (sa)
The following narrations are taken from the book Najmus Saqib. On page 83 of volume 1 of this book (English edition) we find that according to the report of Mas’oodi (Isbaatul Wasiyyah al-Imam Ali Ibne Abi Talib (as), page 259) and Hazini, (Hidayatul Kubra, page 356) Janabe Hakima Khatoon said: “I came to Imam Hasan Askari (as) after forty days and saw my master walking in the house. I have not...
Ten Reports for the Birth of Imam Mahdi (as) from Beharul Anwar
Allamah Majlisi (ar) has brought in chapter 1 of volume 51 of Beharul Anwar, the reports of the birth of Imam Mahdi (as) through various narrators. The reports of some of them are given below. These reports are an evidence for the birth of Imam Mahdi (as) in the house of Imam Hasan Askari (as). These reporters include companions of Imam Askari (as) as well as some of the slaves who were...
Witnesses To The Birth of Imam Mahdi (as)
Various objections have been raised regarding the birth of Imam Mahdi (as). Keeping in mind the necessity for brevity, this this article we shall discuss two objections. Objection 1 First of all is the objection that if the birth of Imam Mahdi (as) has already occurred, then a tradition in support of this should be shown to them in Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim (the two most popular books...