Mahdi in Traditions stories

Shiahs and Ahle Sunnah Both Wrote Books About Imam Mahdi (as)

The discussion about the Mahdi has been taken up extensively in traditions – both from sources of the Shiah and the Ahle Sunnah. Several books on the subject have been written over the years on the topic. What is interesting to note is that there were books written on the topic of the Mahdi, or chapters written on the subject even before the birth of Imam Mahdi (as) in 255 AH. Traditions from...

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Ghaybat In The Words of Ahle Bayt (as) – Part I

The concept of Ghaybat has been discussed extensively in traditions. Right from its concept to preparation and duties of Shiahs in this period. Readers will also note that the beauty of these narrations lies in the uniformity of thought and words of the Ahle Bayt (as). These traditions are reported right from Holy Prophet (sawa) which is from about 1 AH to Imam Hasan Askari (as) which is up to...

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Who Was The Father of Imam Mahdi (as)?

The Shiah along with some scholars of the Ahle Sunnah believe that his father was Imam Hasan Askari (d. 260/874). Here are the names of 31 Sunni scholars who confirm this fact. The overwhelming majority of prophetic traditions about Imam Mahdi state that the name of Imam Mahdi is the same as the name of the Prophet (i.e., Mohammed). False tradition regarding the name of father of Imam Mahdi (as)...

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Ghaybat In The Words of Ahle Bayt (as) – Part II

The concept of Ghaybat has been discussed extensively in traditions. Right from its concept to preparation and duties of Shiahs in this period. Readers will also note that the beauty of these narrations lies in the uniformity of thought and words of the Ahle Bayt (as). These traditions are reported right from Holy Prophet (sawa) which is from about 1 AH to Imam Hasan Askari (as) which is up to...

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Philosophy of Ghaybat in the Light of Divine Message

It is important for us to understand why Allah decreed Ghaybat for Imam Mahdi (as) in the light of His entire Message. If we simplify the entire religion of Islam from its revelation to its present state, we can summarise it as follows. Allah revealed the religion of Islam for the guidance and success of mankind. He also sent prophets and messengers to guide mankind to His message. He declared...

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