This incident is narrated in Ghaybat Kubra from Abul Husayn bin Abul Baghl Katib who says, I took on a duty from Abu Mansur Ibne Salihan and then something happened between me and him that caused me to go into hiding. Abu Mansur asked for me and threatened me. I waited in hiding with fear and then went to the graveyard of Quraysh in Baghdad on a Thursday night (Shabe Jumuah). I intended to spend...
Meeting Imam Mahdi stories
Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) – Imam Mahdi (as) Completes the Verses
Mohtashim Kashani had a son, who died young, so he composed a few couplets in his grief. One night, he saw the Messenger of Allah (s) in dream, who said: You have composed a an elegy (Marsiya) for your son, but did not compose one for my son? Mohtashim says: I woke up; but since I had never done that before, I did not know how to begin a Marsiya for Imam Husayn. The following night again I saw...
Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) – Two Scholars – Shiah and Sunni
Maulana Abul Qasim Mohammed Ibne Abil Qasim Hashmi enjoyed a old friendship with Maulana Rafi’uddeen – a scholar from the school of Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama’at. Such was the strength of their friendship that they often travelled together and shared each other’s wealth and possessions. Their faiths were not hidden from each other and sometimes, in jest, they called each other Rafidhi and Nasibi....
Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) – Letter of Deliverance – Shaikh Haaj Ali Baghdadi
Shaikh Abbas Qummi has reported the incident of Shaikh Haaj Ali Baghdadi in Mafatihul Jinaan. This is a long, but very useful and enlightening incident.Shaikh Ali Baghdadi says – I was in possession of 80 Tumans that were of Sahme Imam. I travelled to Najaf and from this amount, gave 20 Tumans to Ayatollah Shaikh Murtuza and another 20 Tumans to Shaikh Mujtaba Kazmini and another 20 Tumans to...
Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) – Meeting in Masjid Kufa
In the book of Najmus Saqib, there is an incident narrated about Shaykh Mohammed Taher Najafi. The Shaykh served with Masjid Kufa for many years and was staying there along with his family. He was a very pious and God fearing person. Towards the latter part of his life, he became blind.Some of the scholars have narrated his incident as follows – A few years ago a fight erupted between two...