Meeting Imam Mahdi stories

Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) – Incident of Sayyed Muhammad Jabal Amili

The righteous and pious scholar, Sayyed Muhammad Amili narrated that once I went for the Ziyarat of the holy Mashhad of Imam Ali Reza (as) and I stayed there for a long time. Since I was in extremely poor financial conditions, whenever I decided to go with a caravan, I did not have the provisions for the journey and I was compelled to stay behind. Once, when some pilgrims set out, after they...

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Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) – Ya Aba Saleh Al-Mahdi Adrikni

Haji Noori writes in his book Najmus Saqib about Shaykh Ali Rashti who was an extremely pious and knowledgeable Islamic scholar. He was a student of Shaykh Murtuza Ansari. He narrates an incident as follows, Once I was returning to Najaf after completing the ziyarat (visitation) of Imam Husain (as) in Karbala. Along the way I came across the river Euphrates and got aboard a small boat that was...

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Meeting Imam Mahdi – Shaykh Mohammed Taher Najafi

In the book of Najmus Saqib, there is an incident narrated about Shaykh Mohammed Taher Najafi, The Shaykh served with Masjid Kufa for many years and was staying there along with his family. He was a very pious and God fearing person. Towards the latter part of his life, he became blind. Some of the scholars have narrated his incident as follows. A few years ago a fight erupted between two tribes...

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Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) – Tahyul Arz

In our time was a noble and righteous personality by the name of Amir Ishaq Astarabadi. He had completed 40 Hajj on foot. It was famous among the people that the earth used to fold up for him. One year he came to Isfahan. I went to him to ask him about the fame he had earned. He told me, The cause of that honor is that one year when I was on my way to the Holy House of Allah, along with other...

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Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) – Incident of Deceptive Pomegranate

Allamah Majlisi says, I heard from some reliable scholars that at the time of British rule in Bahrain, they appointed a Sunni Muslim as governor despite the fact that the majority of the population was Shiah. There was also a particular Sunni minister who was enmical towards the Shiah. One day he brought a pomegranate to the governor. On the pomegranate,the names of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and...

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