Parents of Imam Mahdi stories

Who Was The Father of Imam Mahdi (as)?

The Shiah along with some scholars of the Ahle Sunnah believe that his father was Imam Hasan Askari (d. 260/874). Here are the names of 31 Sunni scholars who confirm this fact. The overwhelming majority of prophetic traditions about Imam Mahdi state that the name of Imam Mahdi is the same as the name of the Prophet (i.e., Mohammed). False tradition regarding the name of father of Imam Mahdi (as)...

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Who Are The Parents Of Imam Mahdi (as)

Traditions from both the Shiah and the Ahle Sunnah are clear that Imam Mahdi (as) is the son of Imam Hasan Askari (as) and Janabe Narjis Khatoon (sa). While we have discussed this in the topic of the birth of Imam Mahdi (as), here are some further traditions in this regard. Ibne Kheshab narrates from Sadeq Ibne Musa who narrated to me from his father who narrated from Imam Ali Reza (as) who...

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