Reasons for Ghaybat stories

Ghaybat of Imam (as) – An Immense Deprivation

Allah, the Blessed, the High says in the Holy Quran: “The day when We will call every people with their Imam” (Surah Bani Israel, verse 71) Allah, the High at various places, has promised guidance to the people. To fulfill His promise, He sent Prophets and Messengers (as) one after another, who called people towards His religion, recognition and worship. When the prophethood was completed with...

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Is Ghaybat Unique to Imam Mahdi (as)?

There are some special characteristics which are associated with the holy personality of Imam Mahdi (as) which were not present in the other Aimmah (as). These include his Ghaybat, his hidden birth and his long life. Having knowledge and understanding of these special characteristics is important for they are unique to the true Imam Mahdi (as). False claimants to this post do not enjoy these...

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Philosophy of Ghaybat in the Light of Divine Message

It is important for us to understand why Allah decreed Ghaybat for Imam Mahdi (as) in the light of His entire Message. If we simplify the entire religion of Islam from its revelation to its present state, we can summarise it as follows. Allah revealed the religion of Islam for the guidance and success of mankind. He also sent prophets and messengers to guide mankind to His message. He declared...

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Where is Imam Mahdi (as) Today?

An interesting aspect about the discussion on Imam Mahdi (as) is that once his birth is established, there are a lot of questions concerning his physical presence. Where is he? How can we meet him? Can we actually meet him? Islam provides answers to all these questions and even more from the Quran and from traditions of the Holy Prophet (sawa) and Aimmah (as). Ghaybat is a special characteristic...

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Ghaybat is a Period of Ordeal and Examination

The present era, in which we are living, is known as Ghaybate’ Kubra (major occultation). It is a period when there is no special representative of Imam Mahdi (as) through whom we can contact him or correspond with him (as). This era will continue till as long as Allah wishes and Imam Mahdi (as) does not reappear. When he (as) does reappear, people will be blessed with the opportunity to meet...

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