Supplications stories

Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) – Recommendation to Recite Dua Faraj

This incident is narrated in Ghaybat Kubra from Abul Husayn bin Abul Baghl Katib who says, I took on a duty from Abu Mansur Ibne Salihan and then something happened between me and him that caused me to go into hiding. Abu Mansur asked for me and threatened me. I waited in hiding with fear and then went to the graveyard of Quraysh in Baghdad on a Thursday night (Shabe Jumuah). I intended to spend...

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Our Duties – Reciting Ziyarats of Imam Mahdi (as)

Every religion and community recommends a general or specific greeting before starting any conversation. This greeting is like a practice which everyone is commonly expected to adhere to. Islam has also put a lot of emphasis that when Muslims meet, either in person or communicate with each other through letters or any other medium, they should first convey “salaam” (peace) to each other or in...

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Conveying Salaam to Imam Mahdi (as)

Every religion and community recommends a general or specific greeting before starting any conversation. This greeting is like a practice which everyone is commonly expected to adhere to. Islam has also put a lot of emphasis that when Muslims meet, either in person or communicate with each other through letters or any other medium, they should first convey “salaam” (peace) to each other or in...

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